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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/75
volume Number 9،
number In Volume 4،
issue Number 34
Contemplation on Namakdane Haqiqat, written by Shafayi Esfahani, in terms of cognitive style and a short comparison with Sanayi's Hadiqe
ali Tasnimi(Author in Charge), Mohammad Hosein Homayoon Moghadam
Esfahani is among the tenth and eleventh century poets, and he has an epopee, called Namakdane Haqiqat, which contains around 3180 verses. Few manuscripts of this epopee are available and they are not corrected. This mystical poem is a peer for Hadiqat Alhadiqah written by Sanayi Qaznavi.
Shafayi in this epoppe follows traditional styles in Persian Literature and famous poets but he has a new approach to modern style of literature. He also use Indian motifs in his poems. Conflict with the philosophy, criticism of Sufi and Sufism, extensive use of metaphors and beautiful combinations, using some old applications of words, and using the paronomasia are the clear characteristics of Shafayi’s peom. As the poet was a physician, illustration with terms and concepts related to ancient medicine is clear in his poem.
Shafayi Esfahani
, Namakdane Haqiqat
, Hadiqat Alhadiqah
, Stylistics
, Mystical epopee
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